
ارحب بجميع الزائرين تلك خواطرى وهى ليست شعرا بالمعنى الحقيقى ولكنها مشاعرى ومشاعر من حولى انسجها من الخبال او من واقع الحياة خاصة بى او من حولى واقولها دائما انا لست بشاعر ولكن لدى مشاعر

تحياتى طارق ياسين


الاثنين، 1 يونيو 2009

"Somebody used this e-mail to register at uNet (www.unet.com). If it were you then continue reading. Otherwise just remove this letter and accept our apologies. At the end of letter you can find instructionsfor blocking further emails from us. Welcome to uNet community, snsn. We hope you will get much joy and pleasure with us. To finish your registration follow this link:http://www.unet.com/cemail/?s=023cf52cef92e0fa81&c=225a5a2e573d32a5ed810db23ca7b9974c60a83447e915ce663099ca8f1c01 If this link does not work, copy it to address line of your browser. Your login is: snsnaxsnsna@hotmail.com"